20 The Sandlot (lines galore)
19 Lost in Translation (I'm big "on" Japan, not big "in")
18 Please Teach Me English (Korean)
17 Wasabi (French/Japanese collabo)
16 Cashback (British)
15 Old Boy (Korean - twisted ish)
14 Forever Fever (Singapore)
13 Coming to America (Eddie Murphy's best ish as far as I'm concerned)
12 Amelie (French)
11 Children of Man/Men (British)
10 Tae Guk Gi, or Brotherhood of War (Korean - it's a war movie but I actually teared up at the end. I am man enough to admit it.)
09 Patton (classic ish)
08 The Man Who Would be King (classic ish)
07 Shall We Dance? (Japanese version, not the American one)
06 Planet B-Boy (documentary)
05 Battle Royale (Japanese - violent ish)
04 Popcorn (British)
03 Wheels on Meals (Jackie Chan movie, and that's not a typo)
02 Show Some Love You Losers (Japanese)
01 Ip Man (Chinese)