"Three Comedies," Part III, or I'd rather scrub a toilet. . .

I know it's not a movie, but I couldn't help myself- I had to write about this total comedy!

Picture this glamorous scenario: Once upon a time there lived a wealthy castle owner named Jim who lived in the heart of Pacific Beach (PB), also known as the party area of San Diego. Jim becomes bored of his mundane and isolated lifestyle, so he decides to hire four long-legged, aspiring actresses as his assistants. Their main purpose as "Assistants"? To better the community and help others; this includes delivering food (and beer) to the homeless in San Diego and rescuing abandoned kittens and then naming them Prince. Now I can imagine, though touched by their good samaritan-like behavior, after awhile, you might think, there must be a conflict.....

Nope! No conflict. No plot. No introductions. This sure ain't no fairytale- Snow White and the Seven Dwarves had more depth and moved faster than this shitty show. Absolutely pointless hogwash, really.

Welcome to PB Reality (not Real-ty).

When I showed up to usher for this event to take place at Mission Valley's UltraStar Theaters, I was quite excited about seeing something new. You would think it had to be unique or enoyable; after all, the Hazard Center hosts the Latin Film Festival and the Teen Producers' Project of San Diego annually (films that provoke or have meaning). All I was told by Terri over the phone, the show's Talent Coordinator,
was that they were screening a reality show taking place in San Diego (who I found out later in the evening was really the fifth assistant in a skanky black dress.... as she had been boozing before the "red carpet" event commenced. Of course, by the end of the evening, she was soused and forgot to pay her ushers. How professional she was...Of course, all of us ushers ended up forming a coalition and demanding payment from the castle owner himself).

I imagined your typical reality show: trashy and sassy, yet entertaining... What it ended up being was a piece of aimless, shoddy, sad, half-ass, and self-indulgent rubbish I would never -EVER- want to see a second time around. When I heard there was not going to be a second screening that evening, I couldn't help but grin ecstatically (instead PB Part Deux was now redirected to the millionaire's castle for the only people who truly found any meaning or enjoyment out of the empty program- all the people involved in the show.... who didn't want to leave the theater with the possibility that the show was a stink bomb. They also didn't want to acknowledge that the majority of feedback forms from the audience were negative, hence, "I'd rather scrub a toilet than watch the show.")

It's especially sad when people who are not even close to being famous, act as if they are Brangelina all of a sudden.... Duh! You have to actually have talent or do something to deserve fame...otherwise, you may get 15 minutes of delusional, make-believe pretend fame.

All right- I better delve into why the show was so catastrophic. First off, the show began with Coldplay's "If I ruled the world..." paired with images of the "assistants" posing to the camera, which made absolutely no sense. I have a sneaking suspicion Coldplay was not aware of their song being used as a catwalk number...as well as all the other contemporary artists the show borrowed from (Jamie Foxx, Rhianna, etc.). Normally, in a reality show, the "characters" are introduced with some sort of label: this one's the bitch, this one's the artist, this one's gay, etc. etc. However, the show skipped the introductions altogether. Who needs to explain how Jim earned his millions anyway (I had to look it up later; he actually invented safety goggles for spraypainting...which makes him less of an idiot than the show portrayed him to be)? or where the girls came from (this would perhaps validate their behavior and need for attention and physical affirmations?). The show, instead, took flight with a fight at the mansion during Jim's call-back "interviews" to cast the four assistants. One of the final four chosen, i.e. "bitch with attitude", and some dude involved in the show, who both spoke to the camera more than each other, were using insults they must have heard on another reality program (probably VH1's rehab show); Jim invited over all the top candidates and basically got plastered, all to create drama. I finally got the show's mission: to be a show about making a reality show (huh?). Only one of the girls got the spotlight in episode #1 (I had to watch three in a row!) and made out to be the bad girl with the dirty mouth... she kept it going until the audience started yawning and falling asleep (she could not attend the screening... shh! rumor has it, she got kicked off the show!). It dragged on and on... and on. Even PB's drama was worth snoozing for.

So, you get the gist of it. Imagine a 10 minute scene of four loud, obnoxious girls (all playing towards and looking at the camera... which breaks the fourth wall and defeats the purpose of a "reality" show) searching for their lost boss, Jim, at the Del Mar Fair: stupid conflict. stupid girls. stupid cameraman. stupid editor. wait- the cameraman was the editor. stupid title. stupid.

Reality shows are supposed to get us sucked in; they are supposed to be fast-paced and give you no time to look away; if the content is crap, they are at least supposed to distract you with brilliant effects and exceptional sound/music you can sing along with- not watch four hoes sing to you on camera (karaoke for the whole "Blame it" number). PB Reality couldn't even get the font to look good or centered. Nothing was consistent. There was too much head room and space when the cast spoke to the camera. The sound was choppy and the dialog didn't match the mouths moving. Each shot spanned about five to ten minutes long, usually involving drinking, extreme close-ups of breasts, falling over, eating, money being spent shamelessly (and then giving the homeless cans of beer), and dancing on a bus (my favorite extended scene).

So, let me end by saying, there's probably a reason reality shows aren't filmed in San Diego. Could it have to do with the laid back way of life? or the fact that most of the talented videographers or real wannabe actors/actresses are in Hollywood? or just that certain people just can't get their shit together and realize that even a reality show takes hard work and organization....? you can't make 10% of the show about helping the community (the British assistant, who was hired to be the "intelligent" one of the lot and say "We earned our right to party (by rescuing a kitten)." why do people always assume that a British accent correlates to a high intelligence level? Watch this show to prove otherwise.
It's not a difficult job to rescue a cute ass kitten; I'm sure thousands of other people have rescued animals and not asked for praise or booze to glorify their overweening egoes... What about global warming, Prop 8, and other pressing issues?)

I'm rambling now; I'll never get it all out of my system. I will forever carry a bit of PB Real-ity with me and just know that anyone, even myself, could pretend to be famous, too. It's all a bit sad, really.

So, next time you're in the neighborhood of PB, stop by the castle... I'm sure Jim and his lady friends will be there, still watching their Reality onscreen.


Check it out: http://www.pbreality.com/new_site/index_home.php

Three "Comedies"- Part II

Round Two at the movies: "The Hangover" ... I actually went to the movies with the most minimal expectations. There have been a slew of comedies (many flops) with similar, lame titles: "Knocked Up", "The Hang Up", "Wedding Crashers", and now, "The Hangover". There seems to be so many movies in the past decade centered on the theme of three "bros" - all very different from one another- usually one who is whipped by his dominating spouse, one bad boy with the killer looks, and the funny one; sometimes they overlap. "Old School", "40 Year-Old Virgin", and most of these movies are entertaining yet formulaic....posing the question: "How many times can a storyline be exhausted?" However, what makes "The Hangover" worth watching is not the premise, but the well-crafted dialogue between actors and their comedic timing. The randomness of the film- absolutely ludicrous situations in which they seem to find themselves: Mike Tyson's tiger in their villa bathroom, a baby in a cabinet, a mising tooth, and a femenin, Asian mafiahead in the back of a stolen Police car's trunk- gets the laughter flowing. We know these situations are highly implausible, but Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, and the odd-man-out, Jack Black-type Zach Galifianakis, form a dynamic trio and show a bit of their vulnerable side during a spontaneous journey. As an audience member, you did feel on the same page with the characters; whatever they knew, so did you.

It's interesting that most film comedies that are successful, financially and emotionally, are those with male leads. Let's face it, women and men are going to be drawn to the theater to see a male road trip movie. There's something in it for everyone: Women get to look at Bradley Cooper and drool as well as get further insight into the male psyche, and men get to reaffirm their male psyche in an insanely funny experience (this frequently includes a handful of partially naked and young women, either romantic lead or extra). "The First Wives' Club" doesn't really compare, does it?

Three "Comedies"- Part I

Saturday I found myself in a movie theatre (yes, odd nowadays) to see a double feature of the quality comedies released this summer: "Bruno", starring Sacha Baron Cohen, which depicts the life and embarrassing events of the famous, Dutch, Fashion Journalist, Bruno, and "The Hangover", another Vegas-set film about three buddies losing their friend, and groom-to-be, following the night of his bachelor party in Sin City. Granted, I did not set my expectations at a high level upon viewing the pair of films. Come on- it's rare that one sees a laugh-out-loud film with original material while completely devoid of vulgarity and drawn-out stereotypes, or a picture with sarcastic undertones and dry humor that leaves one with a wickedly delicious taste in their mouth. However, I only got through the first 30 minutes of "Bruno", upon which I was left with a somewhat sticky-icky taste in my mouth. Perhaps it was from viewing a bit of icky-make-me-sicky, larger-than-life sexual acts between Bruno and his homosexual lover. Now I know I'm not a prude when it comes to obscenities onscreen (I love a good "f" word and a good "f" on the big screen), but watching Bruno get his anus waxed and describing it aloud does not strike a pleasant chord. Yes, I should have been prepared, just like one needs to be when watching MTV's "Jackass" or even "The Real World"- You know you're going to get a bunch of hotties-with- artificial bodies having sex in the jacuzzi the first night and some awesome cat fights/brawls along the way. I just think Cohen could have been more creative with the project instead of resorting to overblown gay-dom and comedic porn. Well, that was 30 minutes worth..... I got up to Paula Abdul's interview where Bruno utilizes his Mexican workers as chairs because he hasn't any furniture in the house. Though oddly humorous, I had checked out at that point.

To Be Continued. . .

Mark Fisher's Top Films (no particular order)

20. Apocolypse Now
19. Easy Rider
18. Klute
17. Midnight Cowboy
16. The Third Man
15. Jules et Jim
14. Borat
13. Crash
12. American Beauty
11. Sunset Boulevard
10. Dirty Harry
9. Slum Dog Millionaire
8. No Country For Old Men
7. Straw Dogs
6. (All the Marx Bros. films)
5. The Bank Robbery
4. Moonlight Mile
3. Das Boot, Patton
2. Citizen Kane
1. Casablanca

Albert Songalia's Top Films

20 The Sandlot (lines galore)
19 Lost in Translation (I'm big "on" Japan, not big "in")
18 Please Teach Me English (Korean)
17 Wasabi (French/Japanese collabo)
16 Cashback (British)
15 Old Boy (Korean - twisted ish)
14 Forever Fever (Singapore)
13 Coming to America (Eddie Murphy's best ish as far as I'm concerned)
12 Amelie (French)
11 Children of Man/Men (British)
10 Tae Guk Gi, or Brotherhood of War (Korean - it's a war movie but I actually teared up at the end. I am man enough to admit it.)
09 Patton (classic ish)
08 The Man Who Would be King (classic ish)
07 Shall We Dance? (Japanese version, not the American one)
06 Planet B-Boy (documentary)
05 Battle Royale (Japanese - violent ish)
04 Popcorn (British)
03 Wheels on Meals (Jackie Chan movie, and that's not a typo)
02 Show Some Love You Losers (Japanese)
01 Ip Man (Chinese)